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Main l Introduction l Task  l Process l Evaluation l Conclusion

Journey Through the Solar System


                                     You will be evaluated on several things in this

                             "Journey Through the Solar System" Assignment.


   First, you will be graded on the information you  

           gather, including the quality and  completeness of

           your work.


     Second, you will be graded on the mechanics of your

           work  including spelling and grammar.


     Third, you will be graded on your time management

           while completing the project.


     Last, you will be graded on the organization and       

           clarity your final product, including placement and

           design enhancement of your work.



























Journey Through the Solar System Grading Rubric



Apprentice Astronaut

Below 69 pts.




Proficient Pilot

70 – 84 pts.



Expert Cosmonaut

85 – 100 pts.




100  pts.






      Time Management

   (15 pts.)


At least one activity was completed within the expected time frame and checked by the teacher.


Project was completed late, and not in enough time to be included in the galaxy gallery walk.




At least two of the activities were completed within the expected time frame and checked by the teacher.


Project was completed a little late, but in enough time to be included in the galaxy gallery walk.



Each activity was completed within the expected time frame and checked by the teacher.


Project was completed on time and presented in the galaxy gallery walk.




Fact   Cards

(15 pts.)


Lacking required information. Display includes less than

8 fact cards, does not provide at  least three facts on each card.



Most required information gathered and displayed appropriately including

at least 10 fact cards,

at least three facts on each card.


All required information gathered and displayed appropriately including at least 13 fact cards, at least four facts on each card.



  Planet   Comparison    Chart

   (15 pts.)




Shows a mostly

incomplete planet comparison chart.



Shows a mostly

complete planet comparison chart.



Shows a completely filled out planet comparison chart.




     (5 pts.)


Has  bibliography with less than three sources.


Has a bibliography with at least three sources.


Has a bibliography with more than five sources.






(10 pts.)


Final Project includes more than three spelling or grammatical errors.


Most sources not properly noted in Bibliography.



Final Project includes no more than three spelling or grammatical errors.


Most sources properly noted in Bibliography.


Final Project includes no spelling or grammatical errors.


All sources properly noted in Bibliography.









(40 pts.)


Project does not include a title.


Fact cards are not organized.


Less than 8 fact cards are accompanied by an illustration that enhances the learning of that card.


The Comparison chart is confusing to read and inappropriately placed.


Bibliography is not attached on back.


Project includes a title.


Fact cards are organized in a way that makes the observer have to work a little to gain understanding.


At least 10 fact cards are accompanied by an illustration that enhances the learning of that card.


The Comparison chart is confusing to read and inappropriately placed.


Bibliography is fairly neat and attached on back.




Project includes a title.


All fact cards are organized in a way that encourages understanding.


Each fact card is accompanied by an illustration that enhances the learning of that card.


The Comparison chart is easy to read and appropriately placed.


Bibliography is neat and attached on back.






Total Score:




To the Conclusion